Procedure for Preparing Cathode Electrode Slurry & Recipe

Procedure for Preparing Water-based Electrode Slurry (Graphite Anode) & Recipe:


  • Weight Ratio (All other weights depend on how much active powder you will use):
    • Anode Active Powder - MCMB: 94.5%
    • CMC: 2.25% 
    • SBR: 2.25%
    • Conductive- Super P: 1%
    • De-Ionized water: At least 120% of MCMB
  • Heat treat the active powder in the inert gas environment, 300~400ºC for an hour, *Heat treatment via MTI 500ºC vacuum ovens is suggested, please click the underline to view product details.*
  • Grind mill the active and conductive power for about 30 minutes. *Grind milling via MTI MSK-SFM series Ball miller is suggested, please click the underline to view product details.*
  • Make liquid thickening agent: heat up de-ionized water to 80ºC and then slowly add CMC into the water and keep stirring until the CMC is fully dissolved. Usually, this process will take >60 minutes.
  • Slowly add SBR and stir for another 60 minutes. You may add more water if the SBR can not fully dissolve.
  • Add active and conductive powder into the slurry and stir. It is suggested to separate the powders into 2 or 3 piles, add the first pile and mix for 30 minutes, and mix for another 30 minutes until all the piles are finished. This will help improve the mixing uniformity. *Slurry stirring by MTI MSK-SFM Series Vacuum Mixer is preferred, please click underline to view the recommended instruments*
  • Take a sample and test the viscosity. The recommended viscosity for the slurry is between 5000 and 6000 CPS. If the viscosity is above this range, add more de-ionized water; if the viscosity is lower, add more binder (CMC and SBR)
  • *It is suggested to use the MTI MSK-SFM-VT viscosity tester to verify the slurry's viscosity, please click underline to view product details.*

Procedure for Preparing Cathode Electrode Slurry & Recipe:


  • Weight Ratio (All other weights depend on how much active powder you will use):
    • Cathode Active Powder - LiFePO4, LiCoO2... : 93.5%
    • PVDF: 2.25% 
    • Conductive Super- C45: 4.0%
    • NMP: 8/15 of the solid content by weight
  • Heat treat the active powder in the inert gas or vacuum environment, 120~140ºC for two hours,
  • Grind mill the active and conductive power for about 30 minutes. 
  •  Heat up the NMP solution to 80°C. Slowly add PVDF and keep stirring until the PVDF is fully dissolved. Usually, this process will take around 120 minutes.
  • Add active and conductive powder into the slurry and stir. It is suggested to separate the powders into 2 or 3 piles, add the first pile and mix for 30 minutes, and mix for another 30 minutes until all the piles are finished. This will help improve the mixing uniformity. 
  • Take a sample and test the viscosity. The recommended viscosity for the slurry is around 6000 CPS      
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