Important Info About LiNbO3


LiNbO3 Crystal has unique electro-opticalpiezoelectricphotoelastic and nonlinear optical properties. They are strongly birefringent. They are used in laserfrequency doublingnonlinear opticsPockels cellsoptical parametric oscillatorsQ-switching devices for lasers, other acousto-opticdevices, optical switches for gigahertz frequencies, etc. It is an excellent material for manufacture of optical waveguides, etc. 

Usually LiNbO3 wafer is indexed as X cut, Y cut or Z cut with trigonal structure, it also can be indexed with hexagonal structure. Conversion from the trigonal -index system to hexagonal as [u ' v ' w ' ] ---> [u v t w] is accomplished by the following formulas:

 X-cut (110) =  (11-20) or (22-40)  XRD 2theta is 36.56 or 77.73 degrees
Y-cut  (010) = (10-10),(20-20) or (30-30) XRD 2theta is 20.86,42.46,65.83 degrees.



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