SrTiO3single crystal provides a good lattice match to most of the materials with Perovskite structure. It is an excellent substrate for the epitaxial film of HTS and many oxides. It has been used widely for special optical windows and as high quality sputtering target. MTI has the full production line to manufacture first the high purity SrTiO3 powder, then the single crystal boules, and finally the epi-polished substrates in many sizes. This allows us to provide SrTiO3 single crystal products with the highest quality and the lowest price to our customers the world over.
- U.S. Dept. of Commerce requires End User Certificate for exporting this product. For certain oversea customer , we may request you to fill the form of STATEMENT BY ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE AND PURCHASER
- SrTiO3 Crystal Grow
- SrTiO3 Typical Crystal Properties
- SrTiO3 Typical Crystal Rocking Curve
- Preparation of TiO2 Terminated SrTiO3(100) Substrate
- SrTiO3 Typical Transmission Curve
- SrTiO3 Impurity Analyses
- Bi-Crystal SrTiO3 AFM
- Nb:SrTiO3 Crystal Properties
- Nb:SrTiO3 SDS
STO Crystal Growth and Substrate Knowledge
STO color change depended on oxygen content
Verneuil method | STO Boule as Grown | Stepped STO Substrate |
STO Boule After Annealed 5 days in O2 riched air |
STO Boule After Annealed 5 days in air |
Substrate Annealed |
SrTiO3 Preparation |
Video - Substrate Polishing |