MTI Temperature Control Software For laboratory furnace

  • One computer can be used to monitor and control multiple furnaces.
  • Ability to store hundreds of heating profiles in program to be easily loaded next time.
  • A temperature profile (record) is created automatically for heating data analysis. The temperature data is all stored in the .mdb file extension for use with Office Access database. For more information please click here.

Components Needed to Achieve Computerized Control

1.  Computer
2.  Temperature Control Software and Module
3.  Communication Cable

Where to buy?
Click here to order temperature control software + communication cable

We recommend every customer to order the laptop computer from us since we perform all necessary connections and also test to ensure proper functioning. We also remove all unnecessary software, Add-Ons or Active X controls in the computer to prevent further software conflicts. Please notice us of the additional laptop request or call us at 510-525-3070 for details.
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