Equipment Knowledge Base

Plasti-Dip Liquid-Rubber Coating for CIP sample...

Liquid-rubber coating insulates and protects, resists rust and corrosion.Remains flexible in sub-zero temperatures.This kind of liquid rubber can be used to prepare the sample pouch for cold isostatic press (CIP)...

Plasti-Dip Liquid-Rubber Coating for CIP sample...

Liquid-rubber coating insulates and protects, resists rust and corrosion.Remains flexible in sub-zero temperatures.This kind of liquid rubber can be used to prepare the sample pouch for cold isostatic press (CIP)...

Certification and Conditions

UL/CSA Safety Requirements Certification and Conditions According to the different regulations in the universities, companies, governmental organizations, sometimes, the 3rd party safety certification (UL or CSA) is required. To obtain...

Certification and Conditions

UL/CSA Safety Requirements Certification and Conditions According to the different regulations in the universities, companies, governmental organizations, sometimes, the 3rd party safety certification (UL or CSA) is required. To obtain...