Keep Shopping SiO2 (single crystal quartz)
Single crystal quartz wafer is an excellent substrate for microwave filters for wireless communication industries.
MTI can provide high quality quartz wafers for both research and industries production at the lowest price.
Conversion from the three-index system to the four as [u ' v ' w ' ] ---> [u v t w] is accomplished by the following formulas:
X-cut (110), (-1-10) = (11-20) or (22-40), XRD 2theta is 36.56 or 77.73 degrees
Y-cut (100), (010) (0-10) = (10-10),(20-20) or (30-30), XRD 2theta is 20.86,42.46,65.83 degrees
Z-cut (001) = (0001), XRD 2theta is 50.66 degree or 117.7 degrees
ST-Cut, a rotated Y-cut with rotation 42.5°
AT-Cut, a rotated Y-cut with rotation 35°15'
- For physical property sheet of SiO2, please click here.
- For SDS of SiO2,please click here.
- Typical transmission curve of quartz
- For the Impurity analysis of siO2, please click here.
- For the AFM image of SiO2,please click here.
- U.S. Dept. of Commerce requires End User Certificate for exporting this product. For certain oversea customer , we may request you to fill the form of STATEMENT BY ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE AND PURCHASER