Desktop Ultrafast Thermal Pressing Furnace (UFTP) up to 2900°C at > 200K/s Rate & 10 kgf -RTP-M1
Desktop Ultrafast Thermal Pressing Furnace (UFTP) up to 2900°C at > 200K/s Rate & 10 kgf -RTP-M1
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Price: RFQ
SKU: : \RTP-M1
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RTP-M1 is a desktop Ultrafast thermal Pressing Furnace ( UFTP) ) with a heating speed of more than 200oC/minute heating rate up to 2900°C under the selectable deadweight and controlled atmosphere. It is a cost-effective tool to study material properties under fast over-heated conditionsIt also can be used as an RTP annealing furnace or modifed into a CSS film coater
Furnace Power
Max. Operating Temperature
Max. Heating Rate
Sample size
Net Weight
60 Kg
Shipping Weight
160 lbs
One-year limited warranty with lift time support (Consumable parts such as processing tubes and O-rings are not covered by the warranty. |
Operation Video | |
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